GP 180173

2019 Semen Sire GP 180173

Sold for $100,000 at the 2019 Adelaide Ram Sale

Semen available for $60/dose


Sired by GP 150881 Dam 151089 (Sired by GP 011367)

GFW 6.4kgs (5.5 months), 20.8 micron, 3.1 SD, 14.9 CV, 99.6 CF, 48 Curv, Weight 120kgs (6/9/19)


180173 is the rare animal that is both an elite woolled ram with elite meat and carcase traits that is structurally perfect.  He has great width through the back end and the chest.  He has terrifc bone and stands upright on his pasturns.  He has a pure and open muzzle.  His wool is very bold and lustrous.  It does not alter from his should to the top of his pins to underneath his belly.  He has no areas of suint with wool in front of the brisket and in the crutch area being white and lustrous.  He could be mated to either thicker skinned ewes to free them up or thin skinned low fleece weight ewes to add bulk and density.  A rare sire!!