2012 ram sales

2012 ram sales

Our first sale for the year was a 50% share in GP 380 (sold for $20,000), a ram reserved to be retained in the stud.  The 50% share was sold to Boorana Stud, Woorndoo, Vic, Pyramid Poll, Esperance, WA and Brookdale Poll, Arthur River, WA.  For a picture of this ram go to our Semen sires page.

At the 2012 Hamilton Sheepvention, we offered and sold 5 rams to a top of $14000 and an average of $6200. Pictured below is GP 710 bought by Winyar and Stavely Park studs for $7000 at Sheepvention.



100 rams were offered at Glenlea Park's on property ram sale with 94 selling to a top price of $12,200 and average of $1891.  The top priced ram, GP 226 was purchased by a syndicate of 5 studs with Sohnic Merinos taking possesion.


We offered and sold 1 ram at the Adelaide ram sale in 2012.  A horned ram sold for $6500 to Ross Wells, Willandra, NSW


Glenlea Park offered and sold 7 rams at the Classings Classic ram sale in Murray Bridge.  The top priced poll sold for $9,000 to Hugh Cameron, The Yanko stud, NSW.  We topped the averages at $5643.